
By Beewriter

Keep Smiling

Claire came out to the Rochdale session today to give me feedback on my interview. It was all really good and I agree with her where my weakness lies. I was also told that I am good to go with the blog......although it isn't exactly how I planned, but it is a start. The fact that I send it to someone else who might edit it doesn't appeal......if they change things I won't be happy. I don't mind corrections to grammar, punctuation or the like, but not to change things I write. Anyway, we shall see how it goes.

On another note....when we worked at Manchester United on Friday I was moving a chair and it slipped out of my hand and I then promptly walked into it, being the clumsy person I am. It hurt like Billy Oh and I have a huge bruise on my thigh. Well......the bruise is all black and purple and is shaped just like Paul from the film of the same name! I just thought I would share that with you all :)

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