Roll With It

By Falmike


Today I heaved myself out of bed at 00:30, showered, shaved and dressed ready to go at 01:30.
I kept it steady and arrived at Exeter Services at 02:50 for coffee and a break.
Onwards to Bristol Airport Long Stay Parking at 04:45. Transferred to the airport and checked in, having to transfer Sarah's camera from the depths of my suitcase to my carry on rucksack, (rechargeable batteries not allowed in the hold on Easy Jet), we then waited.
When the flight was called I was answering a call of nature. Having a "Speedy Boarding" pass I came out of the loo and walked directly to the front of the queue giving those waiting my best "haughty" look. It was only when the bus pulled away with about a dozen onboard that I realised that I had 'jumped' the "Speedy Boarding" queue!!
Arriving in Barcelona I got to the immigration check in a reasonable time only to find my passport was still on the plane. After a forty minute wait it was returned to me and I entered Spain. We then went to a hotel, as it turned out the wrong hotel, but eventually after a short taxi ride I checked into my hotel.
Since then I have enjoyed the company of Luis and Anais, my grandchildren, immensely and am looking forward to more time with them over the next five days.
Meanwhile Clare, Samantha and Joshua are home alone and I miss them!

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