Another Surprise

I was dragged out for a walk at some unearthly hour this morning - about 6:30 - it seems Finlay has got a taste for early morning walks as he was nudging the screen of my laptop to get my attention!

Anyway, as we entered the woods we came across a deer on the path, but it hopped over the fence into the field and then to my surprise it was joined by three others. Finlay of course was going ballistic trying to get after them - but I managed to keep him tethered and get my camera out of my bag. I grabbed a few frames of the ‘herd’ but they were soon running off across the field (first extra). It was quite gloomy so the ISO has gone sky high, but a grainy grab shot is better than none.

Finlay was on alert for the rest of the walk - and on the way back we spotted one of the deer had wandered back into the wood - but it soon scarpered and then I spotted the other three running across another field - and caught a sunny ‘bum’ shot as they disappeared (see second extra).

After breakfast we went to collect our granddaughter from Doncaster and then drove down to Newark to visit the parents of Nicky, whose funeral we attended last week - they are down there staying with their son and his family for a few days. We all went out for a walk at Whisby Nature Park (near Lincoln).. We drove back from there to drop off our granddaughter and then home to Bramham.

Busy day (again) - very tired (again). Way behind on blips (again)

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