Mallorca (Day 10) - One Final Sunrise

The last full day in Mallorca turned out to be a "chill-out" day ... A lovely sunrise, a hearty breakfast, a stroll through the back streets of Palma and quick stop in a few souvenir shops to pick up a few small gifts ... 
A mix up with the Easy Jet flights meant that we had to get up the following morning at 3:30 AM, to meet the taxi at reception at 4:30, then get to the airport in time to catch the 7:20 flight back to Gatwick ... 
The hotel receptionist heard about this and arranged for the kitchen to put out breakfast for us so that we didn't leave hungry ... :o)
I'm not exaggerating when I say that it would have been impossible for the staff at the Hotel Bon Sol to have been more friendly and helpful ... :o) 

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