
By LifeLines

Apple Green

This morning, on my way to work I collected the plants I ordered at the weekend from the local plant nursery - a blueberry bush, raspberry canes, a few pieces of hawthorn hedging to replace a few bits which didn't take when I planted them in January, and an apple tree - an Isle of Wight Pippin.  I think I could become an avid collector of apple trees if time, space and finances allowed!

On my way home from work, I stopped off at the allotment to put the plants in.  It has turned out to be another beautiful day.  This was the view across the fields from  my allotment.  The landscape is sprinkled with fresh green leaves and foliage.  I wished I'd taken a picnic with me.  Unfortunately the weather is forecast to get rather cool and cloudy over the Easter holiday.  Nevermind. 

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