My life in blips

By Goretex

Portinscale, Cumbria

Today started off a bit overcast so we decided to have a mooch around Keswick. It was surprisingly chilly so we headed for a tea room for the obligatory holiday coffee and scone to heat us up.

We then headed over to Portinscale to take the path up to Cat Bells (heard a woodpecker here). It's a steep climb but affords great few for little effort. It's a walk with lots of false summits tricking you into thinking, "I've made it!" Undeterred, after reaching the top of Skelgill Bank, we walked on to Cat Bells itself - bit of a scramble near the top though and very busy. Eubers conquered first with MP kindly coming back to escort me up the final stretch. What a honey bun! Rather than descending the busy path, we headed down via Hause Gate, which took us to the Derwent Water circular path, ensuring MP could have her daily swim.

I'm tired tonight so early to bed. Lots of dreaming and leg twitching from MP too. She's like a dead thing and doing that freaky thing of sleeping with her eyes open, rolling about in her head. No doubt however, she'll be ready for more action tomorrow!!

PS popped in to Lingholme Estate for a cup of tea and there was a man in the cafe with his SIX goldies !

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