Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Tuesday -- Doing Research

I did not feel well when I woke this morning. The back of my throat was telling me that a sinus head cold was knocking at my door. Ugh! So I have swallowed Vitamin C and Vitamin B pills throughout this day and as the day ends I feel a little better. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a new story to this situation.

The big event of this day was meeting with a real estate agent to look at several properties here on our street that are for sale. We have two rental properties in SoCal and we're looking into the possibility of selling those to purchase one here on the coast. We're thinking that having our investments here where we want to live permanently makes sense. If that's not a good option, then we'll at least know that we did our homework. So today's photo is with the real estate agent in one of the properties we are considering.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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