Fun day and evening travels

I braved the dentist with both children this am - all fine and a new lady dentist to meet. She was full of encouragement for extended b'feeding little R and keen to point out the benefits for her teeth, health and growth - what a lovely thing to get such a glowing endorsement from a health professional, not all GPs and health visitors are quite so enlightened!

We went to our usual ABC group and C found his long lost friend from nursery days so was v happy!

There was a fun day running across the road from us with Easter crafts and sports going on, T was home early so we all went together for a play and run around on the field with our neighbours. The photo is R having had enough of the crafts finding her own entertainment digging in the soil for treasure!

I got glammed up and left for a business dinner in London with the owner of the new company I am freelancing with (oh yes, it's been a while!). T did tea, bath and bed and I headed out in heels, with a non child friendly handbag to the station. I *may* have had a little power nap on the train!

Great dinner and chat in London and I could feel the publishing cogs in my brain slowly grinding back into action, after being dormant for 2's coming back and so am I!! Think am going to enjoy this!

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