Between Two Trees

Apparently this was a song of the 50’s but The Boss couldn’t even remember the tune but did kno some high school lyrics that are not suitable for this pups ears. OR an old dog either.

The weather came right this afternoon for a bit so out we went for a bit and he carried all his camera gear, so this pic is from …..yap the.. iPhone.
He says it was way more convenient than changing a lens which can lead to dog boredom which can lead to wander off which can lead to 
“Tussock Come!!!!!”  which can lead to treats  if I do, so I was disappointed with the lack of enthusiastic lens work but needs must I suppose.
I was nosing around later and he missed a grreat shot of a ton of gravel stuck on my snozzle ‘Cos it fell off before he got the shot.  
I feel the standards are slipping.
Probably the weather?


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