A bad day
I did a silly thing this morning, I dropped my most used, most cherished and one of my most expensive lenses I own.
That heart sinking moment when it slips out of your hand while changing lenses, your world goes into slow motion but this doesn't help with your reaction times. I was close to saving it but it was the lens or body, foolishly I decided to save the not so important ageing 5Dii.
Anyway the damage to the 24-70 2.8ii is just shy of £200 so it could have been a lot worse I suppose. Damn it's annoying though to be without it for at least ten days.
So todays image is taken with one of my least used lenses.
Film night around my mates.
1st film: Assassins Creed 3D:
Should have been a visual beauty but turned out to be a dull as dishwater, uneventful, repetitive affair. 4/10.
2nd film: Bye Bye Man:
A horror that was horrifically bad, not scary, poorly acted and a plot that had appeared in many many movies.
I've definitely taken some for the team today.
Roll on the long weekend
Mr Bo Hingles
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