Three bears

We went over to the Three Bears Park this morning, to take advantage of the sunshine. Sebastien, as many, many children before him, worked on covering the bears in chalk. Gave one of them rather interesting green stripes.

I told him that the Easter bunny would make an appearance this weekend and leave chocolate or candy, His response was: "In my house? And I will eat the chocolate? And I will give some to mommy and daddy and Freddie. And we will give a carrot to the Easter bunny. We will get a real carrot that we eat and give it to the Easter bunny. And I will say, here's a carrot, little bunny. And he will take it. And I will go with him. And I will hop just like him. And he will say, I didn't know you could hop like me!"

He can be rather verbose, when he gets excited.

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