Not what you think. I have no idea if the nice lady was tempting. This was temptation at an entirely new level. I've not been completely happy with the image quality of my lens so went shopping on line to see what I would need. My camera is DX but a lot of the lenses I liked the look of were full frame FX. A body and lens upgrade? Too much cash to spend for my pocket but it can't hurt to look can it?

What a moron.

I wandered into a camera shop in Yangzhou and tried the Nikon 24-70mm f2.8 and took a few test shots. Here's one...

See that grown man weep? Fortunately I really don't have the cash and at almost 1.5kg it's not impossible to refuse. Get that puppy and a D700 body together in your tramping pack and you'd know the meaning of pain.

Oh, did somebody say D700?!?

I'm not an addict. I can stop any time I want.

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