
By CharlotteJ

Monkey Business!

Another fantastic day here in Japan (the weather beautiful) and a lot of miles walked once again (8 so far).  The highlight of the day was seeing Monkeys (not in a Zoo) in the hills but still a shame that some people think shoving a selfie stick in their faces is acceptable!!  One lady received a bit of a smack (she was lucky) from one Monkey for getting too close.

After descending the hill, we enjoyed a lovely ice cream by the river and were approved by some really lovely school boys.  They were from Osaka and had to practice English by approaching people and asking where they were from and could they take a photo.  Of course we obliged!  Nice to meet well-mannered young gentleman.  I wish I found out the school they were at as I would have dropped the school a note to say how nice they were and a credit to their parents but sadly I didn’t ask.


We visited Kyoto Imperial Palace in the afternoon. Nice to say I have seen it, but I was rather underwhelmed by it.


Back now at our house, catching up on some work stuff and then we will be heading out for dinner.  Tomorrow sees us visiting Osaka and a gentleman a few of you may know on blip!

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