After Midnight

This is George Square in Glasgow after midnight when I should have been sleeping off the effects of a wonderful meal in Rogano's with copious wine but notably no oysters.

Unfortunately it was not to be, so while his Lordship slumbered on, I paced the bedroom and watched the scene unfold beneath the window of the hotel we were staying in after showing face at Glasgow daughter's private view in the magnificent People's Palace in Glasgow Green.
It is amazing how many people are out on the streets at this hour.

This lack of sleep meant a weary wakening and a disinclination to get my money's worth in the breakfast department.
It is almost always so. If only breakfasts could be put back to noon.

I see residents managing to down full English ones while I dabble with a teaspoon of muesli garnished with three prunes, followed by a slice of toast.

Later, we managed a desultory meander round the Merchant City, popping in to the Print makers studio and then GoMA where his Lordship purchased the poster, 'Stay Calm and Carry On', apposite words for him I think.
I hope he heeds them.

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