Quick March!

I've been on another long drive today - not quite as far south this time, but still a good 8hrs+.

I thought I'd find something to blip on the way, and I guess I was thinking of a hilly Borders landscape shot from a service station, or something like that. Within a couple of miles of starting from home, though, I came across this chap.

I was driving along a single-track road, with an unfenced field on the left. I saw him in the field, just a few yards in. I pulled up alongside him, fumbled in the back for the camera, and wound down the passenger window, just as he decided to march quickly in the opposite direction. I reversed, stopped, attempted to focus. He about-turned, and marched the other way. I drove forward, stopped attempted to focus,....

And so on for several iterations. Typical of his species, he didn't have the sense to head off at right angles across the field. I didn't have the sense to give up and drive on. We could have gone on all day, but after a few attempts I got this shot.

I should point out, the road was straight for quite some way in front and behind me, so no big deal if someone had come along, other than them thinking, "Why does that idiot keep driving forwards and backwards??"...

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