A Smiling Yellow Pansy...

...Is said to chase away stress. The name 'pansy' was derived from the French 'pensee,' meaning thought and it has acquired many names through the ages. In Shakespeare's 'Midsummer Night's Dream', Puck dropped the juice from 'Love-In-Idleness' (pansy) into Lysander's eyes instead of Demetrius's.  Some other names are 'Heartsease', 'Jump Up And Kiss Me' and 'Cuddle Me'   King Arthur's Knights plucked the petals of the yellow pansy to look for signs of the future. If the petal had four veins, it meant there was hope, thick lines, leaning to the left, meant that trouble was afoot.. The tradition was carried on through to Victorian times.
This pansy which I have posterized, is in my balcony pot. I didn't go out as I'm still putting drops in my eyes. I'm a day behind posting as things are now looking clearer. Thank you all for your kind comments which are really appreciated.

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