Out On Time

Went to work, worked, detoured, went back home.  I wanted to leave work at 13.30, but I knew I was not going to be happy if I didn't finish a particular job so kept at it till it was done.  Looking back, I wonder how I could have postponed it for so long.  Ended up leaving at 14.40 (including the half kilometer walk to the car) and then drove north, back to Lisse, to enjoy more tulip fields.  Glorious weather!  There were clouds but they were so volatile they hardly mattered.  The afternoon was capped by a 2.5-hour traffic jam on the way home, but never mind.

No work tomorrow, so looking forward to a long weekend.  Do not be fooled, however, as there's a huge wall waiting to be painted, the Multilingual Practices MOOC, and some lesson planning that couldn't be started earlier because the schedules weren't finished earlier and I wasn't feeling so fab when they finally were.  There is an enormous difference between the old curriculum and the new one -- there's hardly any breathing space between blocks in the new one, so we've just finished one and only a one-week space before the next one starts.  This will really take some getting used to.

Enjoy your long weekend! ... if you will have one, that is, and THANK YOU for appreciating the flowers!

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