I talk to the Trees but “Siri” is better

We have to drive up this road to get home or we can turn left and walk through the park but anyway this bit of road is integral (oh!  new word) to our life here in Wanaka and we would be riding or walking on it most days.
It is particularly pretty in Autumn.
The “nice” traffic cop bloke, who The Boss has never met, thank goodness,  loves to park on the opposite side looking down the road and has a wonderful time in Winter as this road also leads to one of our ski fields and everyone knows you have to speed to and from ski fields and folk are so distracted by all these trees that they don’t notice until …….

I had a wonderful outing this morning and ended up at our favourite Cafe which may end up not being our favourite cafe if they don’t get more stock of Coke Z as The Boss had some real stuff and hated the taste of all that sugar after not tasting it for probably 10 years or longer. I had a wonderful time “Eyeing” a Bichon Frise (Thanks Siri ) at the next table until some friends turned up and we had a Wheaton Greeting instead. 

Pawscript... I have this wonderful Tech Tip…
If you cant remember how to spell something just use Siri on your fruitphone.
Works a treat and way faster than the spell checker if you are not close enouf to have it guess.

Isn’t tech wonderful?

Hey Siri   “When can I have some grub?”
 A   “ You need to spray your lawn”

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