
I couldn't believe my eyes and paws when we stepped outside this morning. It was snowing! And what was more, it had snowed most of the night, and continued on the whole day. Wet, slushy snow that is no good for playing in and sticks to my legs. But some of it stayed on the ground and created scent trails. Which is always nice.

It was Långfredag, which means Long Friday and not Good Friday. Weird. Mum tried not to do unnecessary jobs, but she had to assemble a TV bench that had to be ready for tomorrow. I supervised. It took her hours! Hours!!

We went to G&G for dinner. Mum told me that when she was little, they always had pike on Långfredag. Good thing we didn't, because it had lots of bones and maybe I wouldn't have gotten any. I did get fried cod, my meatball and some shrimp cheese. Brilliant!

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