Lali's World

By Lali

Coffee break

This is Kenny Anderson, aka King Creosote, having a coffee in between songs.

Back blip from Thursday.

It was a long and busy day at work and I was exhausted by the time I got home. Scott and I were going to Crail, as Maggie, a friend of mine and blipper was hosting the Crail Folk Club and Kenny Anderson was playing as well. It so happened, though, that both things were happening at exactly the same time so we had to choose. In the end we decided to go and see Kenny at the East Neuk Hotel. Sorry Maggie...

We took the bus to Crail, so Scott could have a drink. The East Neuk Hotel bar was heaving with people. I was so knackered that I was feeling a bit stressed surrounded by so many people, but I finally managed to relax and enjoy the gig. The only problem was that I kept dozing off after just a couple of drinks, out of sheer exhaustion. I had a good time though.

When we left the pub, we realised that, unfortunately, we had just missed the bus, so we had almost an hour wait for the next one. Damn buses! Anyway, so we headed down to Crail harbour for a wander and to take some night shots before going back to the bus stop to wait for our bus. It was past midnight by the time we got home and I pretty much went straight to bed.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good Thursday! :)

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