Just a cow

We had Mr DawnAgain's father and step mum (and Becky the Papillon) over for lunch today and it was good to see them again and catch up. Nan Sue even did some pruning while she was here so the garden is looking much better out the front now.

After they left Mr DA and I went for a power walk over the common. I took my camera but saw absolutely nothing of interest to photograph (except for a skylark which was too high up) so took a quick snap of one of the Forest Mere cows on the way back. I'm sure the Belties will be back over the common very soon, as they usually are at this time of year. Although I've always quite liked them (with the except of the time they chased Basil and I and the time Basil, Polly and I had to flee from them when they were running away from the herdsman), I much prefer the common when they're not there as we can walk our chosen route without fear of bovine peril. Ah well.

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