Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Egg day

I'm doing more overtime tomorrow (Sunday) so we had the easter bunny visit our house a day early. The kiddies we so excited to see lots of eggs and a few pressies. They wanted to get tucked in straight away.

Once we were up and ready we took a ride out to Rutland Water. The plan was to walk part of the way round. Stop for a picnic and then head back. However it was so windy poor A's teeth were chattering! It was warm at home but out near the open water the wind was really strong. We walked as far as Normanton Church which is somewhere I've wanted to see for ages, then we admitted defeat and came home.

We had our picnic on the dining room floor and the kiddies tucked into an egg each.

This evening we got a visit from Aunty V. She's back for a week and was sporting a very cute little baby bump!

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