The Picture Taker


Easter Egg Hunt

OK, it was not exactly a hunt.  The eggs were just placed on a baseball diamond and the grass around it.  And really, only 3 jelly beans in an egg? The EEH was held at the park next to our house.  

Two year ago we went to the hunt at a different park.  The EEH was slated to start at 1:00 PM.  We got there at about 12:59- I wanted to take pictures.  At 1 PM someone yelled go and seriously- 3 minutes later all the eggs had been picked up.  Those who were late went home crying, you can be sure.

Last year they changed the location to our park.  We didn't go, but there were tons of cars parked all along the park road.  So this year, we thought we take it in. And since I'm trying to figure out if I can trust my memory card, off we went.  Not near the crowd this year, but the same Done in 3 Minutes event.  Not too exciting, really.  

I'm sure our little egg hunt with the grands tomorrow will be just right.

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