
A grey day, but no surprise there as Good Friday has often been cloudy.  It was then not a good day to go to the tulip fields.  Of course, I could have, but the light would have been lousy, so no go.  No problem, other things to do, so might as well get on with it.

Worked some more on the Multilingual Practices MOOC, got more than half of this week's lectures done, and the rest can be for tomorrow, after which I can start week 2.  More pressing, though, was the wall in the living room in the new house.  Hubby went on ahead to continue his cleaning while I cleared up the kitchen here.  Then drove to Breda and did 1/4 of the large wall.  What I don't like about it is primarily the colour -- a kind of combination of grey and olive green, and it's 6m35cm. + 1 m close to the kitchen.  I am painting it a kind of off-white, but there is a kind of surface structure on the wall which the paintbrush needs to get into and this is what takes time.  If I do a fourth everyday, which is equal to about 3 hours' work, it should be done by Monday.  While I used a large brush for the white wall opposite, I had to use a smaller one this time so that my arm wouldn't get tired too quickly.  While we were busy, hubby's friend MG, who owns the moving company that will help us move, dropped by to see how we were doing.  He sees hubby as his surrogate father and likes to ask for advice and approval, but also enjoys talking to hubby about all kinds of things because hubby is a very good listener, especially if he has his hearing aid on (or in).

Shot this before leaving the house -- our neighbour's front yard.  He has tulips every year but he buys them already blooming then transplants them in the garden.  I guess he's doing good work as they last at least a couple of weeks.  Hopefully sunnier weather tomorrow.

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