Lady Joan on the B&WLR

A very pleasant day today topped off and made special by news from California that our son Chris and his wife De'Shaun are expecting their first baby on 23rd October. What more can you say? We were "over the moon" as indeed they were. It'll be different to have an American descendant but I guess that's more common than you might think. We shall just miss the birth being over in California at the beginning of October. Here's to the happy couple and to a trouble free term and a happy healthy birth in October.

On more mundane matters we spent the afternoon at one of the monthly open days on the Bredgar and Wormshill Light Railway near Sittingbourne. It actually rained a bit, well, it didn't wet the roads but it did spatter the windscreen and conservatory roof, so not enough to save us having to water the greenhouse and allotment.

This shot is of Lady Joan in amongst the bluebells at the terminus of the short running line. I, of course, went to talk to the signalman on duty. Quite a few stationary engines put-puttering away on the field and an extensive museum and engine shed with a model railway, cars, commercial vehicles and various steam engines.

Dinner tonight was slow roast shoulder of lamb which had been cooking while we were out. It was Kentish lamb and was meltingly tender and very tasty.

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