Throw Away Society

We finally got rid of the last few bits and pieces of the old bathrooms at the tip today (except nowadays its the Community Recycling Centre of course).

On the way back, Mrs42 spotted this fantastic view along the frozen Union Canal, so we stopped and had a wander and I took a fist full of shots in the hope I'd get a blip.

However, as we climbed down the steps to the canal we saw how much litter had been thrown onto the frozen canal. Mostly empty beer and alcopop bottles and cans, with the odd bottle of Irn Bru and one morning roll. Now, I wasn't an angel when I was growing up, but we used to throw stones onto frozen rivers etc to break the ice ... not rubbish. Why would you do that. And its not as if anyone will be able to clear it up.

The only witnesses were the gulls (<- blip reject). Not that the sky rats are much use either :-)

So, a throw away day in more ways than one today. Right, gotta go - the out-laws are here for dinner!

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LOTD: Reikes' golden light blip - magic golden light.

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