The cat and the Plait

We were all straight back into the thick of it today. No training days to ease us in gently.
I was out of the house by 7 am after plaiting Poppy's hair for her. She was a bit worried she might get told off for it still being quite red.
Apparently it was fine, though.
When I got home from work, D and I had to go on a chicken hunt. There were 4 missing and a few piles of feathers in the run.
We have managed to round 3 of them up after running round the church yard for half an hour. He's out there now looking for number 4 but I'm not hopeful. By the looks of things, something got in and gave them quite a scare.

Lily was rubbing round Pops trying to get someone to feed her. I tried to get 2 plaits and the cat but just couldn't manage it. 2 plaits in the extra.

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