
By RetiredDBA

Crinkle Fells

Out on the fells again with the intrepid U3A group. Today's walk started at the Old Dungeon Ghyll. We then walked up Pike O'Blisco from the Blea Tarn Road, descended to Red Tarn before embarking on all five Crinkle Crags. We descended via the Band the the ODG. The weather was great and the views even better with Scafell, the Coniston fells and the Langdale Pikes all crystal clear. The main blip is a stitched panorama of the Langdale Pikes taken on the way up Pike O'Blisco. The extras are views of the Crinkles and Scafell. We walked 8.5 miles with 3500' feet of ascent. Needless to say I have tired legs.

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