
By Frogbit

Grainy foxes, exam results and Son 1's 18th

Lots of things happening today. Woke up early and remembered a) Son 1's 18th was finally here and b) my RHS exam results were out.

Given the earliness and Son 1 having a birthday lie-in I logged on with trepidation to the results website. I think perhaps they have given me someone else's marks as I found I'd done very much better than I could possibly have hoped  for. Feeling chuffed but still can't quite believe they've got the right person. 

While I was waiting for the numbers to appear on my screen some activity in the garden caught my eye: 2 foxes were bouncing round, drinking from the pond and generally enjoying themselves. I scrabbled around for my camera and in my excitement forgot that I'd recently assigned auto-focus to the back button so my first few shots were puzzlingly blurry. Once I'd calmed down and remembered where my settings all were I upped the ISO and sort of got the foxes in focus. Still a super-grainy picture but I've never managed to capture any big wildlife in the garden before so it'll have to do.

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