Wild & Windswept
What a glorious day - warm and sunny. We abandoned everything and went up into the hills to do the Coomkeen Loop. You go up high, walk along the ridge, descend sharply into moorland then walk up again through a green valley. It was so still and quiet, just bumble bees, skylarks, ravens and the odd rock pippet. The colours were amazing but rather perversely I've chosen this mono image of a windswept hawthorn, all that remains of plot of a little homestead, now crumpled ruins, with superb views and a warm feel. Himself's image shows the start of the journey. It wasn't all lovely though for coming down into the valley before we ascended again there was evidence of massive burning - the air still acrid. Horrendous and outrageous. It's illegal but it happens every year and TJ had a very narrow escape recently.
Lady M - magnums were taken enroute home!
Back in the garden, rather outrageously, I sat down by the pond and finished my book!! It's one I borrowed from the holiday home: A Casual vacancy by JK Rowling. I've never read any of her work and wouldn't really have chosen this except it seemed the best on offer. It took me a while to get into and then I was gripped! Minutely observed, hard hitting and dispassionately told, it was rather good.
Thanks to the Cailleach for continued wildness on Wednesdays.
And there's no escaping bog grass - look at it all!!
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