Brae Hoose

It's been a fine mild day, mostly cloudy but there has been some sunny spells now and again. 

Another day in the office, and fairly getting through the Bobby Mowat collection.  I've moved on to scanning slides, the negatives have been completed.  I've also had a few more donations of photos handed in too. Been down to Cunningsburgh this evening to update the heritage website, and a cuppa too.  Off to work in the pub again, and think I'll be cleaning the pipes til late tonight! 

Met Brian at lunchtime and we somehow ended up in Brae for our lunch, it was great too :)  After lunch, a brisk walk down the road, and a view I'm not very familiar with.  This is looking over the fields below the main village, and towards my boss's house, Brae House.  I bet inside is a museum within it's self :)  And below this house is Newport pier and Busta Voe.  

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