San Victor Island

We left a little late from the inn. While driving on the road along the shore, we came upon Sunrise Blvd and marveled at these leafless mangrove trees which looked like it came out of a Game of Thrones scene.

We then headed straight to Aliwagwag Falls. To my surprise, it was larger than i imagined it to be. It was wider than i thought it was seeing photos from my mom's trip there a few months ago. The waters were not too gentle as well since it rained quite a few times during the day yesterday. We were supposed to do the Monkey Bridge (since i insisted). We hiked up for a few minutes but realized that it was too far up and there was a 12-1pm break. We started hiking up the side of the falls close to 12nn and it would probably be futile to continue hiking knowing that they are going to close by 12nn. And of course we didnt want to wait for another hour. So we decided to walk back down to head to our next destination. Of course, we wasted 2 tickets away.

San Victor Island was the second stop today (Blip today). It was this wee little island just a few meters away from the main island. Boat ride took us about 5 minutes. When we arrived there, the tide was low, we could have walked to the island from the main island three-fourths of the way and swam the last bit, but of course we didnt...because i dont know how to swim and we dont want our belongings getting wet (main reason! lol). Today was pretty exciting and chill. You just got to love the outdoors. I could stay in the island forever!

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