Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Forum - Thursday

I can't believe it's the last full day already. It's been an incredible week and today was no exception. I went to a seminar on enjoying our salvation featuring one of my favourite speakers Mike Reeves and it was so refreshing hearing God delights in us coming to him. We've been learning a song about this written by him and one of the worship leaders from this week and I hope I can get hold of the music to take it back to Strathclyde CU.

We've been grouped in our regions for camping so all the Scottish CUs are together. I answered a call of "Scotland! Scotland! Come take our photo!" for one of the CUs in the North West camp next to us. It was hilarious when instead of "Cheese!" they attempted "Och Aye!" - sounded more like "Ock oi!".

We were supposed to be having a ceilidh in the main tent in the evening as it was the last night but when we were told it was cancelled we couldn't take no for an answer. I grabbed the fiddle I was borrowing and we took it outside! Fraser and I had a ball attempting to teach and lead a few dances. It was just me and my fiddle for music and it was absolute madness but we had a blast. Certainly a first for me. A very memorable evening.

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