it’s not yet Spring; Official

Wandered around Stowe Gardens this morning.  We came to a fork in the path and our (collective) eye was caught by a notice to ‘The Chinese House’.  The notice went on to say that the building is fragile, so is wrapped up for the Winter and unwrapped in the Spring.

We wondered what to do - the path to the Chinese House was narrow and off to the side.  What would Robert Frost have done? (as it’s poetry month):

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
took the one less travelled by,

We went with Robert and soon realised just why the path was less travelled by.

So - according to the National Trust it’s not yet Spring.  Which is a bit puzzelling as they have lots of notices tellling us where to ‘discover’ their displays of Spring flowers.

The extra shows a path a bit more travelled by.

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