Good Day

Another good day.

Good weather - 95% sunshine, and 14-15⁰. There's a word for it... ah yes, spring. We also had a wee shower to prove it is still April.

I had a good breakfast (Lidl croissants - still warm), lunch (a cheese roll and a smoothie) and dinner (home made venison burgers with mashed potato).

I had a good work session in the morning - nothing difficult, but cleared my desk for the weekend.

I had a good phone call to my cousin Mxx and caught up with all the cousin related gossip. As usual, I seem to be the source of most of it. Cousin Lxx is the main competition. She's the one who (at the age of 60) left her partner to go back to her first ex husband - they split up when in their 20s. (Yes, she has another ex husband). 

I went out for coffee and cake about 3 (one of the Bavarian habits I seemed to pick up easily). Good too.

Tonight? Maybe some more research for the trip to Iceland I'm planning for in June. Anyone know a good hotel (3 star), bed & breakast or guest house in Reykjavik?

Got my Blip in West Wemyss. Someone getting ready for the lobster & crab fishing season.  

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