Squirrel to the rescue

I did my best to avoid the jobs I've been, well, avoiding, but eventually i unloaded the last batch of rock and then headed to the Mancave and finally got into the minutes from the meetings in the Alps. As ever formatting, sorting and ordering were the hardest part, then deciding what was relevant and what was waffle - 27pages of notes got highlighted, crossed out and archived. I feel I've broken the back of them now and a few hours over the weekend will see a draft issue.

I knew a blip would be difficult on a flat grey admin day - but fortunatley a delivery of black sunflower seeds has acted like magic in drawing out the squirrels.
I managed to grab this guy on a coffee run back to the house.

Philosophy Friday
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the thing's that matter.
Martin Luther King

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