Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A healthy bowl full

After ten days of mostly eating out TSM cooked a meal full of hearty Asian goodness tonight, one which not only tasted wonderful but also coursed through the veins with a warming quality and left you glowing deep down inside. That was a very nice way to start the weekend. 

I did a couple of hours of intensive cleaning; nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning to a (mostly) clean house.

Feels oddly quiet now that our house guests have gone back to Australia. Twenty four hours after leaving them at Heathrow and they are just on their final approach into Sydney. Long journey that one. 

Work was intensive and exhausting; I've slipped out of the groove of late, having time off and entertaining guests, and had to work hard on my concentration today... TGI Friday and all that ...

The food by the way is Laksa Noodles from the lovely Bowls of Goodness vegetarian cookbook.

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