
Dad was in a desperate state this morning - mostly because of agonising pain in his shoulder. Becca was there by 11.00am and me shortly after. Between us we've showered, fed, taken to the Dr, shopped, organised and coddled them both.

Dad (now on steroids for the pain) and I met with an agency who can organise people to stay overnight or help on an hourly rate during the day.....great stuff, then we went to see a residential home which was dreadful.

It made us more determined to keep Mum at home for as long as possible, but we need to keep Dad sane!!

More meetings tomorrow, and I'm slightly apprehensive about the night ahead. But we need to have a forward plan. Tough times.

Photo of my home cooked meal, my parents are so appreciative which is lovely. Don't look at the burned tortilla on my plate.

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