home sweet home

All day I have been singing about home....tomorrow our choir is performing for the final of the Big Lit Festival at Gatehouse-On-Fleet. Here's what the programme says: 

"The Cairn Chorus bring a selection of the beautifully diverse Cairn Valley Song Cycle to life as the finale of this year’s Big Lit Festival. Cairn Valley Song Cycle is a very special set of songs newly commissioned by Moniaive Festival Village as part of their Creative Places Award.  Seven local and internationally acclaimed composers explore their response to the extraordinary sense of community and rich landscape of the Cairn Valley.  Inspired by local writers such as Rumer Godden, poets including Norman McCaig and Cairn Chorus’ own Roddy Fairley, and local artist Andy Goldsworthy, the composers write about home, belonging and sense of place."

So exciting! Also Youngest Son is coming home for a few days -  I haven't seen him since New Year.

Also home is the first willow warbler I've seen and heard this Spring, down by the Cluden Water.

Look at this beautiful day! I've had to dig out my polarising filter. Magical :-0

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