Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

First time for everything

These... Lovely.... Messages... They can be found in the backstage area of the venue I worked at last night, briefly blipped.
I never see the prattish side of the musicians I work with. Ever. They're always lovely people, at least to me.
So. Seeing all this... And entire room of scribbles and profanities.... Was a first for me.

I took this photo during the after party which started after midnight, so I am kind of cheating. But there was nooooo way I was taking photos today. Hangover. From hell.
As mentioned in yesterday's blip, it was the drummer's birthday. Being one of their mates, and part of 'staff' for the night, as well as my tomboy nature, it was expected I'd join in the drinking.
The boys know I can drink. And when I say drink, I mean drink most men under the table.
Resulted in the vocalist saying to me "Kat, darling... You're drunk. I mean... Totally f**king blitzed. I've never seen you this drunk. Or maybe I have, but I'm just drunk-er.... No, even if I were so far gone I couldn't say my own name, I'd remember YOU being THIS drunk. Time to get home, Missy."
So that was a first for him.

And I didn't barf on the way home.

Possibly a contributing factor in why I have been feeling decidedly shite ALL day.
This is my Saturday blip. It's now 3am Sunday. I'm still feeling a little bleurgh.

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