Today started way too early. At 5 I was wide awake, worrying that if I went back to sleep I would miss my 'get up to make cakes' alarm. So (it was early, this felt logical at the time) I got up and snoozed on the sofa for another hour or so with the World Service providing auditory fuel for a series of confusing dreams).
Then up to finish preparing the cakes for TallGirl's bake sale. (Except for a failed Victoria sandwich - how??? - all went well.) TallGirl was eventually lured out of bed a few minutes before we were due at the market. I briefly revelled in this being my last bake sale (CarbBoy's school doesn't seem to do them) until TallGirl reminded me the Lycée does.
So, early to the market for the usual provisioning, then home to spend the day reading in the garden.
Lunch (mostly cheese), a delightful snooze, learning how to use my delightful new headphones, then more reading in the shade while Mr B dealt with dinner. I love barbecue season.
Later, TallGirl turned out to know more than anyone about chemistry, save for some surprising knowledge about hydrogen that I found lodged somewhere under all the 80s pop lyrics in my brain.
Dr Who was a big hit, and now TallGirl has run off to bed, leaving me outvoted regarding Top Gear.
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