Arrival in Hong Kong

My gluten free breakfast on the aircraft was a Chinese one of chicken and pak choi with a few baked beans. I gazed enviously at Julie's traditional English. Did get time to watch Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

By the time we'd landed and left the airport, it was sunset.

Julie and I found the hotel bus desk at the airport straight away, thanks to Michael for sending us a photo of it, and waited a while until it came. No matter. An opportunity to get some water.

There is a dearth of coffee shops in Hong Kong. Nowhere to go just to enjoy a cup of coffee and tea unless you count Starbucks, of which there are not many and which I don't count.

Lots of places to eat though. I never see the Chinese actually drinking. For a country that boasts of its tea, I'm astounded that there aren't tea shops.

Our journey from the airport to Kowloon around the bay introduced us to the staggeringly high skyscrapers that house the population. When we did get an opportunity to see the wider view from the bus, lights were beginning to come on. Our proposed evening/night shoots should be amazing. I'd like to be able to take photos of the port activity at the same time of day but I'm not sure if we'll be able to get a viewpoint.

The streets are as busy and colourful as you might imagine. I managed to get this shot through the bus window at a zebra crossing. Zebra crossings are strictly controlled. You're not supposed to cross if the red pedestrian light shows.

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