The epiphyllum flowering profusely
I have been worried since hearing a rattle from my macro lens the other day. I don't remember dropping it but it certainly didn't sound healthy. I decided to see if it worked properly so went to the cabin in the late afternoon where the setting sun was still shining brightly.
I'm pleased to say that it seems to be focusing without a problem but it did make a slightly strange sound when the auto-focus engaged. I really hope it is ok as I can't afford to have another lens repaired.
I took various pictures of flowers including this epiphyllum. It has had a rather tough time in recent years and many of its long green leaves, if that is what they are called, are looking rather battered. I also found a lot of greenfly on a few of the flowering buds. But it still had many flowers which had fully opened so it can't be too unhappy. The low level heating in the cabin over the winter seems to have helped it, much like the Abutilon and the Black-eyed Susan have benefited and encouraged good early flowers.
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