Selfie stick!

You've gotta love a selfie stick, especially the people who have the nerve to use them. I'd feel a right fool so good luck to the selfie stickers!

Had a university* pal up for the weekend so we thought we'd re-visit old haunts and have a look around Nottingham where we studied. We met on the first day as new students and have been best pals ever since. In two years time that will be 30 years. Isn't odd that you sit next to someone in a cafe at college and, that's it, a lifetime of friendship starts there instantly. (Rather spookily as I type this Blip Michael Ball is playing Queen's 'Best Friend' on BBC Radio 2, what are the chances of that!)

We wandered the city to see how it had changed and then went to Nottingham Castle, the location of the selfie stick, as we've never been despite me living 20 miles away and us studying there for four years. Cracking views! Some more snaps here.

Last photo is the Arkwright Building where we studied construction and we were pleased to see that it is still the Faculty of the Built Environment. 

* I say university but really it was, and always will be to us, Trent Poly. However while we were there it turned into Nottingham Trent University so, mother was happy as I got a university degree.

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