
By Cigs

Meadowbank Velodrome

Sadly I failed in my bid to get a cargo bike and the boys into a POP related post on Saturday. There just weren't enough hours in the day. We had a 3pm party for Tom to get to so by the time we'd dropped the ladies back at theirs and high tailed it down the Bridges and Broughton St; repatriated the bike at the Electric Bicycle Company and got home, flung on some clean clothes it was 1502. So it just didn't happen. However, with a relatively clear day on Sunday we set off in the late morning to right the wrong. 

They started clambering about on top of the containers and it seemed too good a chance to miss so I coerced* them into posing on top of the Cigs in white on the container nearest the underground entrance to the velodrome. Thereafter we did some testers of the others and headed off to watch Arsenal v Man City. It won't be as good as Spurs v Chelski of yesterday. 

*bribed with sweets

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