Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Country Gateway

Today I went to a Zumba class. It was good fun. It started at 9.15am and lasted for an hour. I've decided that, although I will continue to go to the gym, I am going to mix it up with lots of the classes they run there (over 40)'s not too bad to fit them in with my rota and variety is the spice of life...I need to get my moneys worth (all £16 a month..ha ha).

Then I drove the scenic way to go shopping at really was a thrill. I then went to my Mum's house to collect the boys and to have a natter. My life is very routine, isn't it?!!

I spent a little while trying to download a free trial version of a b&w photography programme for the computer but it seemed to be spying on all my stuff (not that there's much to spy on) and I'm certainly not paying a small fortune for the official version so I deleted it and went back to my legit photoshop. I have been messing around with todays photo (and the backblips)...I suppose they'll be like Marmite, which I hate by the way!!

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