this is my favourite ever photo of dougal. what a sleepy head he was today.

I woke up at 5.50am this morning and thought right, we could get this run out the way very early. by the time we were ready to go it was about 7am and the weather was nice - cold wind though. we walked 1.3 miles up the hill to bourtie then ran round the loop three times then back down to meldrum. it was meant to be twice but we miss-calculated. I lost beefy on the last loop. 19.3 miles in 3.39 hours which is not bad and the best thing was my knee didn't hurt one bit. my right hip was complaining a bit but not too badly. I've been doing heaps of exercises so they're working which is great (especially since I cancelled the second physio appointment). I finished the s-town podcasts then listened to adam buxton with garth jennings and julian barratt then some lumineers.

then home to recover...we watched the london marathon and I masked off some of the sides of the anchor as I'm going to do them before I turn it round to do the other side.

totally knackered...

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