On the rocks.

As the sun shining coincided with a weekend day, we headed up the A9 and went for a walk at the Hermitage. A few salmon have already started their journey up the falls, but highlight of the day (beside the falling and the sore bum - tee hee!) was the red squirrel that the daughter saw on the opposite bank. The conversation went a bit like...

Mum, mum, mum... look it's a squirrel...

Get your camera out, I've only got a wide-angle...

By the time she had fumbled with her bag, it had disappeared up a tree.

Headed on up to Kenmore and fed some hungry ducks, then back to Blairgowrie for a piscatorial surprise in Little's. Home now with a bottle of Mortlach and some chocolates we picked up in the Highland Chocolatier place on the way.

The chocolates will need eaten, but dilemma is whether I should I hide the bottle for Christmas time - or wet a glass now?

Somehow I think I know what the answer will be but whenever I do it, no rocks or water will be added. Sacrilege!

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