Despite this being a day when all I seemed to do was work and shout at the kids, I did find time for some baking. And these cakepops seemed to go down a treat with the kids (and me, actually). I also reminded myself that it is NEVER a good idea to try and park in town between 10am and noon, and that even trying to drive into town at 4pm is a recipe for disaster (traffic jams, grumpy folk, etc.) But, helpfully given how late the driving made me arriving to do my errands, the post office is empty at that time of day, which made my usual fight with them over parcels* much easier to take.
Mr B arrived back just in time to see the kids before bed and to have supper with me. I had decide to make paella, which I have never made before, and in my arrogance decided didn't require a recipe. Now, I'm used to making risotto, so know how much rice to put in for two greedy people who want a little bit of leftovers to fry up for lunch one day... but with paella? Who knew rice swelled up that much? Mr B tried bravely to help, with two servings. But I still have enough left to feed about twenty people.... Ah well, best to keep up the family motto: Never Knowingly Undercatered!
* "We don't accept parcels wrapped in brown paper."
"But there are no boxes you can sell me that work for sending parcels to the UK"
"Hmmm. You have a point. But just to make sure you are late for whatever you need to do next, I am going to do what I do every time you come in and we have this conversation, and I am going to slowly walk over to the display of boxes of all different sizes to send parcels to France, the DOM-TOMs and... oh, you are right, there are none for the 'rest of Europe'. Well, you can send it in brown paper, but the grabbing machines at the sorting office will tear it to pieces and ruin the contents. That'll be 12 Euro."
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