Mr Heron

Today's the day ....................... to solve a mystery

I think this could answer the question as to how and why we currently have no fish in our pond.

A month ago, we had six of them and they were doing very well.  They had survived the winter - and the influx of spawning frogs - and could be seen swimming about quite happily in the pond that Will had made in our front garden.  It's not big - perhaps six foot square - and a couple of feet at its deepest.  It is well camouflaged with plants growing in it and around it.  So how on earth could a high-flying heron spot it amongst all the gardens that surround it?

Well - obviously it did because this is the sight that greeted me when I pulled back the curtains this morning.  The larder was empty of course so it didn't stay around for long.  The question is - if we got some more fish - would they suffer the same fate as the last lot ........................?

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